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Homeopatie acupunctura

Fibrom uterin tratament acupunctura

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Fibrom uterin tratament acupunctura  Empty Fibrom uterin tratament acupunctura

Vad ca se ridica " la fileu " subiecte interesante .
Ca incepator propun si eu o tema actuala tratamentul fibromului uterin prin acupunctura .
In homeopatie se stie tratamentul, in acupunctura nu am experienta si as fi curios daca prin prisma medicinei chineze si coreene se poate trata aceasta afectiune frecventa .

Toata stima pentru toti cei ce dezbat subiectele aici .
Dr.Ionescu Sterian
Dr.Ionescu Sterian

Numarul mesajelor : 940
Puncte : 52237
Data de inscriere : 23/04/2010

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Fibrom uterin tratament acupunctura :: Commentaires

dr Teodor Axinte

Message Sam Mai 14, 2011 4:47 pm par dr Teodor Axinte

Daca ai fi cautat pe net ai fi gasit
Case 1.

 MS patient, aged 29 years, in Bucharest, was found in June 2003, the Center for Acupuncture for depression, bilateral mammary dysplasia predominent left, and having symptoms of significant leucoree yellow, candidoza vagina, with normal values of Prolactin . Keep of symptoms: breast nodes, swelling of the breast before the cycle, vaginal candidoza members cold, stuffy nose, red tongue, pain hypogastrium during the cycle, blood dark cycle, afte in the mouth, in mucozitati neck, violent headache, allergy . Objective examination shows a red tongue and tense pulse. Analysis of computer graphics show the relationship organs: the water does not produce wood and wood fire defies between syndromes considered within the therapeutic relationship, we took into account only four: the stagnation of blood due to Qi-stagnation the liver, glere production of the liver Qi stagnation due to the syndrome as heat in the blood.

 We used the acupuncture points: F 1, F 3, IG 4, IG 11, R 2, Sp 6, St 36, St 45, VC 3, VC 4, VB 39, VB 21, VU 17, TF 3; many of them common to the 4 syndromes.

 Evolution has been rather slow due to the fact that the patient worked in a stressful environment, the over. Nodes size reduction was not followed by remission of other symptoms, which led me to use and homeopathic medication, which was useful.

 Case 2.

 the patient will, in the age of 53 years, in Bucharest, was found at the Center of Acupuncture in 2003, for the following symptoms: breast nodes endured, vertigo, headache, insomnia, pain in the right balance.

 Exam objective language red tradand show symptoms of excessive heat, which caused heat and symptoms of insomnia, rapid pulse, dry stools, herpes of the mouth, thirsty, cold, vertigo, headache. Relationships of organs to keep only three: the deficit Inn kidneys (water does not produce Wood), which result in fire cordului her mother sfide Liver (Wood), resulting in the appearance of disagreement between the Kidney and Cord. I had only two syndromes:

 1. Deficiency of the kidney Inn, where we have used acupuncture points in the following refreshing: R 15, R 2, R 3, R 7, VC 4.

 2. Heat biliary bladder meridian, we used in the dispersion: F 5, VB 13, VB 24, VB 34, VB 39, VB 40 and VU 19.

 Since the first general meeting made the patient's condition has improved in terms of sleep, the tension, Headache

 After 6 series of 10 acupuncture sessions, mammary nodes have disappeared, blood pressure was in normal value, disappearing headache and vertigo, the patient has a tongue and pulse normal disappearing hip pain, herpes, and reducing patient medication alopata usual.

 Case 3.

 MA patient, aged 23 years in Bucharest, acupuncture has been treated in September 2001, the Center for Acupuncture, presenting the following symptoms: mammary nodes, irregular cycle with periods of 2-3 months of amenoree, photophobia, chisturi ovarian, swelling the breast before the cycle, pulse weak. Relationship to the main organs, was the lack of production by Yang Earth Yang fires, which in cold induced meridian Three outbreaks Environment.

 Among the main syndromes have detained four: Yang deficiency of kidney Qi deficiency of the spleen and cordului and deficiency of liver blood.

 A monthly series 6 followed by 10 sessions of acupuncture, supplemented by the administration of homeopathic remedies in the periods of time.

 Of the acupuncture points used: F 2, R 3, R 7, Sp 6, St 36, VC 4, VC 6, VG 4, VG 14, VG 20, VU 18, VU 20, VU 23, VU 43.

 Evolution has been excellent in the sense that the patient's general condition was very good in terms of physical fatigue due to disappearing deficit Qi and Yang, with diaparitia nodes and breast chisturilor.

 Returning to consult in 2004, the patient I have been doing preventive few sessions of acupuncture for the deficit and Yang Qi constitutional.

 Case 4.

 AA patient aged 32 years in Mangalia afost found and treated since May 2001, the Center for Acupuncture, Using, a series of 10 acupuncture sessions in a discontinuous, due to service problems, entering the acupuncture treatment with homeopathic medicines required support acupuncturii effect in periods of rest.

 Tooth symptoms present at some consultations include: bilateral mammary nodes take consistent, breast swelling before the cycle, uterine fibroma, sliding tense pulse, tongue pale, dry face, hands cold, hypotension, external hemorrhoids, sciatica right lombosacralgii.

 The energy bodies have complex relationships, including relationships invasion of Wood and Water, the lack of production from the Fire and Earth.

 Among the most important syndromes have booked for treatment: Yang deficiency of kidney and spleen for which we used points: VU 23, R 3,

 R 6, R 9, VG 2, VG 4, Sp 6, St 36, VC 4, VC 6, St. 25, etc. being most common of the two syndromes deficit. I've used VS 9, for the meridian deficit Vase Sex and I reduced the heat in the blood appears after the stress and suprasolitare, dispersand points: C 7, C9, IG 11, F1. Evolution has been very good disappearing mammary nodes in about 9 months, significant reduction of uterine fibroma. Patient is in observation and treatment for psoriasis of the head as an expression of heat from blood.

 Case 5.

 patient EA Bucharest, found in March 2002, the Center for Acupuncture, aged 33 years presented the following symptoms

 pain and swelling breasts before cycle, abdominal bloating, anemia, cycle advance and chiaguri language indented with fine white deposit, sliding tense pulse, etc.. Computer graphics analysis showed the following relationships energy bodies: the invasion of Fire Water Inn - symptoms: States Cold asthenia absence of thirst, deposit fine language, which caused it to stop producing Yang Earth - symptoms: abdominal bloating, swelling, as a reaction to the global wood enegetic Yang has invaded Earth - symptoms: tight sliding pulse, stomach pain.

 Syndrome had in mind for acupuncture treatment was

 glere syndrome in the liver for which we have used the following acupuncture points: F 13, F 14, F 6, ST 40, VB 44, VC 14, VC 23, and 5 VS VU 18; for 10 days, some intercaland sessions in which we used Sp 3, Sp 6, Sp 9, St 21, St 36, VC 12, VC 4, VU 20 VU 21 and to determine the energy to produce Fire Earth. Treatment lasted 6 months, being used increasingly fewer points, as they resume their normal function. The point was used F 13. Evolution has been very good

 Case 6.

 Finally, a more complex case cancerinic status, the patient SA, in the age of 53 years in Bucharest, found in October 2003, the Center for Acupuncture dysplasia of the right breast. Operate in March 2002, for the neo-san left, and cure of 4 chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide and Adriblastin). On examination anatomopatologic tumor (1.4 / 0.7 cm). was untranslatable type micro papillary carcinoma with limestone deposits and lipgranuloame. Tumor highlight opacity mammogram through 1 / 0, 5 cm, presenting a leak sanghinolenta. He was guided Fundeni Hospital, Department of IOB. Being very weak physically and mentally, I asked again to start the chemotherapy course to help with this kind of treatment. In this case the energy status cancerinic relationships between organs and syndromes that occur are very complex, with great difficulty of assessment and treatment, which emphasized the analysis of computer graphics.

 computerized diagnosis showed the following relationships energy bodies:

 1. lack of production cycle at all the energy

 2.relatii of "humiliation" Water Inn by fire Yang

 3. The existence of gaps in Three outbreaks Qi Environment and Lower translated by Cold

 syndromes are most important:

 1. Deficiency of blood and liver Cordos, which has generated heat in excess loja Fire, where the relationship and the "humiliation" Water.

 2. In the absence of support cordului Inn and the Qi is in pain, which led to shortages and the spleen Qi and Stomach with cold symptoms at Oran and meridian energy Liver and gall bladder.

 3. Syndrome of deficiency of kidney Yang deficiency as consequence of Qi of the Earth (Mother 4 other organs).

 This systematic analysis based on graphical approach has allowed a precise treatment of syndromes and appropriate acupuncture stimulation of Qi and blood products, the following points:

 refreshing: R3, R7, R9, SP3, SP6, Sp9, St21, St36, Vc4, VC8, VC12, VC17, VG4, VG14, VU23, VB39, C7, C9, VS5, VS6, VU15, VU17.

Ghici cine e therapistul ?

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Dr.Ionescu Sterian

Message Sam Mai 14, 2011 5:32 pm par Dr.Ionescu Sterian

E din Romania dar habar nu am cine e .
Afiseaza de doua ori

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Cristina Velichi

Message Dim Mai 15, 2011 7:54 am par Cristina Velichi

Cred ca e de la Centrul de acupunctura .

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Message Dim Mai 15, 2011 12:41 pm par Korsakov

orientalmed a écrit:Stilul e cunoscut Very Happy

O sa scriu si eu o formul pentru fibrom insa nu prea gasesc timp in weekendul acesta si trebuie sa o adapez pentru o intelegere mai generala. Revin in scurt timp.

? Evil or Very Mad

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Message Mar Juil 12, 2011 6:54 pm par Marta

Se poate trata fibromul uterin prin acupunctura ?

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Message Jeu Juil 14, 2011 2:28 am par Rely

Se pot traduce si in franceza ?

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Message Jeu Juil 14, 2011 12:53 pm par Marta

Cum tu nu stii engleza ?

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Dr Ioan Dumitrescu

Message Jeu Juil 14, 2011 7:04 pm par Dr Ioan Dumitrescu

Marta a écrit:Se poate trata fibromul uterin prin acupunctura ?

Posibil .
Personal asociez tratamentul homeopat .

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dr Radu Tudoran

Message Ven Juil 15, 2011 9:35 am par dr Radu Tudoran

Asociati tratamentul homeopat impreuna, adica in acelasi timp cu acupunctura ?

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dr Teodor Axinte

Message Ven Juil 15, 2011 5:31 pm par dr Teodor Axinte

Fibromul uterin se si poate opera daca nu stiti .
Dupa 1-2 ore sunteti fete mari, ati scapat de uter, ati scapat de probleme .

Nu percep TVA la operatie .

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