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Homeopatie acupunctura

Ozonul efecte secundare

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Ozonul efecte secundare Empty Ozonul efecte secundare

Despre ozonoterapie – cercetare sau lacomie ?
Unul dintre principiile de baza ale medicinei, este acela de a nu face rau, inainte de a face bine .
Utilizarea Ozonului a ajuns sa fie la moda in diverse clinici de infrumusetare, servicii medicale, etc .
Pentru a standardiza doza de ozon ce nu produce efecte secundare si a creste efectele sale teraputice, am facut un proiect de cercetare fundamentala si clinica : INOVAREA APARATULUI DE OZONOTERAPIE PRIN INTERMEDIUL CERCETĂRII-DEZVOLTARII INTERDISCIPLINARE, acesta find aprobat de ANCS, vezi lista proiecte admise, pozitia 60
Am considerat acest lucru ca un act de inconstienta, periculos pentru utilizatorii aparatului de ozonoterapie .
Nu am admis sa testez acest aparat direct la pacienti, fara a avea efectuate studii, cercetare pe tesuturi, pe animale, genetice, biochimice, adica cercetarea medicala fundamentala obligatorie .
Adica se aplica dictonul : “ somnul ratiunii produce monstrii “
Acest mesaj este un avertisment fata de efectele secundare ale utilizarii ozonului
Ozonul este o molecula de oxigen instabila ( O 3 ) si de aceea are efecte de oxidare
Multe firme tip MLM, vand acesemea aparate ce produc ozon, sustinand ca acesta nu ar avea efecte secundare si ca ar vindeca toate bolile .
Acest lucru nu este adevarat si ozonul produce la nivelul mucoaselor fenomene de iritatie, inflamatie, ceea ce poate duce la agravarea un afectiuni preexistente, cum ar fi astmul bronsic, sinuzite, conjunctivite, cefalee, dificultate in respiratie .
In articol este citat cazul unui manager de marketing, care a amplasat asemenea dispozitive de ozonoterapie in birouri si dupa 4 saptamani salariatii au acuzat dureri de cap si sinusuri .
Ozonul inhalat poate reactiona cu anumiti compusi organici, modificandu-le structura, in special asupra mucoaselor, unde produce fenomene de iritatie, ce dau simptome de tipul : tuse, respiratie dificila, dureri de gat si torace, dispnee, chiar si la cantitati mici …
Potential risk of experiencing: Decreases in lung function, Aggravation of asthma,
Throat irritation and cough, Chest pain and shortness of breath, Inflammation of lung tissue, Higher susceptibility to respiratory infection
Whether in its pure form or mixed with other chemicals, ozone can be harmful to health.
When inhaled, ozone can damage the lungs. Relatively low amounts of ozone can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath and, throat irritation. It may also worsen chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma as well as compromise the ability of the body to fight respiratory infections.
Some studies show that ozone concentrations produced by ozone generators can exceed health standards even when one follows manufacturer’s instructions.
Many factors affect ozone concentrations including the amount of ozone produced by the machine(s), the size of the indoor space, the amount of material in the room with which ozone reacts, the outdoor ozone concentration, and the amount of ventilation. These factors make it difficult to control the ozone concentration in all circumstances.
Available scientific evidence shows that, at concentrations that do not exceed public health standards, ozone is generally ineffective in controlling indoor air pollution.
The concentration of ozone would have to greatly exceed health standards to be effective in removing most indoor air contaminants. In the process of reacting with chemicals indoors, ozone can produce other chemicals that themselves can be irritating and corrosive.

Poluarea cu ozon poate ucide.. mai mult aici :
Dr Ioan Dumitrescu
Dr Ioan Dumitrescu

Numarul mesajelor : 2154
Puncte : 60918
Data de inscriere : 24/07/2009

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Ozonul efecte secundare :: Commentaires


Message Sam Aoû 14, 2010 7:46 pm par Stroe

Am auzit si eu de ozon ca tratatment, dar nu stiam ca e toxic .
Bine ca mi-ati zis .

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Dr Cristina Teodorescu

Message Dim Aoû 15, 2010 4:01 pm par Dr Cristina Teodorescu

Exista remediul Ozonum pentru efectele secundare ale ozonului .

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dr Teodor Axinte

Message Dim Aoû 15, 2010 7:25 pm par dr Teodor Axinte

Am cautat si eu Ozonum, dar nu l-am gasit .

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